5 Frame NUC* $235.00. Sold Out
5 Frame Nucleus colony raised in Middle Tennessee complete with small cell bees, a laying, marked Queen, plus brood in all stages of development.
Available mid May 2025 depending on the weather.
Deep or medium NUC.......... .$235.00
Package Bees* $155.00
Gentle honeybees with an open
mated queen........
Three pound packages.......$150
- Includes a natural mated, marked queen
Projected pick up date for packages is March 29, 2025
Date subject to change based on weather.
Production queen $49.
Caucasian - Check for availability date.
F1 queens** $55 Check for availability date
Mite Chewer
**Daughter of an inseminated breeder queen"
Queens available May through September depending on the weather.
To place an order online go to the "
Shop" page on the home screen
call 615-267-0927 between 9AM-6PM Central time.
NUCs and package bees are local pick up only. Price includes transport box. All bees on frames are included.
* Our packages and NUCs do not have old bees off pollination and they are state inspected.
**F1- Daughter of an inseminated breeder queen.
We accept cash, check, or PayPal. If paying by check mail check to:
PayPal.Me/hontaylorhoneybees Hon Taylor Bees
All prices shown are for cash or check. 834 Balleycastle Drive
Smyrna, TN 37167
The dates of availability may be earlier or later depending on the weather. After February 18, 2025 full payment is required to confirm order. No refunds for no shows. The $75/$100 deposit per item is non-refundable if cancelled after February 18, 2025
. Due to current economic conditions, the price is not guaranteed until full payment is received. We guarantee bees are in good condition at the time they are picked up.
Due to many circumstances and management practices that can affect bees outside of our control we cannot be responsible for bees once they leave our premises. You agree that we are not responsible for whatever may happen to your bees after they are picked up including the survival or productivity of the colony/hive. Please take care of your bees on the way home providing plenty of ventilation. Bees can overheat quickly so DO NOT stop when transporting the bees. Install your bees in your woodenware as soon as possible.
There is a potential risk of injury from activities involved in beekeeping. You knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, and assume all reponsibility for your participation, and do hereby release and hold harmless Hon Taylor Honey Bees, it's owners and other participants with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or persons or property to the fullest extent of the law whether arising from negligence of the above mentioned or otherwise.
For queens that are shipped we guarantee to deliver healthy, laying queens to the shipping carrier. While we make every effort possible to ensure live delivery, we are not responsible for loss as a result of shipping. In the unlikely event that a loss occurs, it is the recipients responsibility to file a claim with the carrier for a refund. Shipping costs are extra. For shipping we only guarantee the bees were in good condition at the time they were delivered to the carrier. We assume no liability for the bees once they are accepted by the carrier.
If you are new to beekeeping we recommend you start with at least two hives. Two hives allows you to compare how they grow and allows you to share resources. As an example if you have a weak colony/hive with only a few frames of brood and your other colony is strong with a lot of bees and brood, you can give the weak colony a frame of brood from the strong colony. There are other reasons to keep 2 or more, but it is ok to begin with one.
If you have any questions about the NUCs feel free to contact us.
Beekeeping is a fun and interesting hobby.
We wish you the very best of luck in your beekeeping adventure!!